
So...Hello! My name is Kacey Koch. I'm a 19-year-old girl who one night decided, "Hey, I'm going to start a blog." So... here's my blog!! Even if no one reads this, ever, I still feel like I am doing something with my time instead of watching 33 hours of Jane the Virgin in one week. Which I totally did not do or anything. Okay I totally did and I really do not regret one bit of it to be honest, this show is AMAZING. Anyways, I just wanted to start off this blog with a little bit about me.
Ever since I was a little girl, I've lived and breathed volleyball. I began playing when I was 8, and I, very sadly, just finished my last season of volleyball ever in November. I played for Sauk Valley Community College for two years, qualifying for Nationals both years. Nationals was in Charleston, West Virginia which is apparently the Cocaine capital of America or something?? Pretty neat place to host a collegiate National Volleyball tournament.. To fill the void of being a volleyball player, I coach a club team of a group of spunky 14-year-old girls. These girls are amazing in every aspect of the word, and have made my first years of coaching so wonderful. But don't let me confuse you, they stretch my patience every practice and game, and are insane. I love them though <3
After a year of majoring in Pre-Physical Therapy with hopes of going to Northern Illinois University for the Physical Therapy Doctorate degree and becoming a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is rich and amazing, I discovered that I was not a fan of biology classes. Which is pretty much all I would be taking for the next six years of my schooling. So, I decided that I was going to switch my major to something else, far away from the biology path. After much contemplation, I decided that I would try out Accountancy. I LOVE IT. This semester, my very first semester in accounting, economics, and business classes, was the best semester I've had in college so far. I got a 4.0 for the first time since my Junior year of high school! So now that I've decided on my major, I have to decide on a school to go to. I've got my list down to four schools: University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign, Illinois Wesleyan University, Illinois State University, and Northern Illinois University. All are good choices, just pretty much need to get my ish together and decide. Oh well, I still have time, right?
I met the love of my life at Sauk right before fall semester began last year. It was August 10th, 2016. A girl on my volleyball team had invited her friend from high school who was a baseball player at Sauk to a get together we were going to. It was literally love at first sight people. This man's name is Jordan Henkel and I am telling you what, he caught my eye the second he walked in the door. I instantly was attracted to him and turned on my Kacey charm. I am really not sure how he found me the least bit attractive considering I was wearing four different patterned and colored articles of clothing, including my friends PINK CROCS. Apparently he didn't mind and we became inseparable from the beginning (kinda). For about the first three months of us talking, we were on and off more times than I can even remember, mostly because of our insane commitment issues. I loved him so quickly, but I was so nervous to allow myself to be with him. I am SO glad that we finally bit the bullet and decided to become official on October 26th, 2016. Through the last year, so much has happened to us as a couple. Around January or February last year, Jordan decided that he was going to join the Navy. Through every part of this journey, we have stayed by each other's sides. He left for bootcamp on June 1st, graduated July 29th. He came home and surprised me in October. I went and visited him in Virginia after Nationals over Thanksgiving week. On December 26th, he will be leaving for Bahrain where he will be stationed for two years. I'm sure you've never heard of Bahrain because I sure as hell didn't. It is in the Middle East, by Saudi Arabia and Dubai. Our adventure is far from over and even farther from being easy, but its completely worth it because he is the best man I know.
I have an amazing family and group of friends that help support me through all of life's endeavors. My mom and dad are Gary and Jenny. They got divorced when I was in 5th grade and are both remarried to the best step-parents I could ever ask for. My dad is married to Jenny (I know they are both named Jenny and no it is not confusing). My mom is married to Matt. My parent posse is the best and I could not imagine my life any other way. I have a sister named Karly who is 23 and graduating from college this weekend! She is going to be the best Elementary Education teacher in the world. I have a group of five girls from high school who are the greatest friends you could ever have:Emily, Erika, Hannah A, Jazzarae,and Shannon. Each of them are unique and are special to me for so many reasons. Emily and Shannon go to Valparaiso University which is in Indiana. Erika and Hannah A go to University of Iowa which is in,well, Iowa. Jazz and I both attend the wonderful Sauk Valley Community College and live at home. Volleyball has brought another amazing friend, Hannah P. She is the one who introduced me to Jordan! She is one of a kind and driven to succeed. I am #blessed.
Well, this is my life in a nutshell. The most important aspects of my life are my education, my family, my friends, Jordan, and volleyball. My blog will be FILLED with all of these things and more, and I can not wait to share it all with you!